drowning man

How to Handle UNCONFRONTABLE Tax Debt: 2024 Update

by Dave Horwedel, EA This is a common situation in 2024.  Many individuals and businesses took a hit on their income in 2024. Many got governmental assistance—federal unemployment compensation, Payroll Protection Program loans, Employee Retention Credit, and so on, during the Pandemic. Some taxpayers got a LOT of assistance. But now it is gone. Some […]

frustrated young business man working on laptop computer at home

Responding to the IRS: 2024 Update

by Dave Horwedel, EA First, do not panic!! Yes, it can be upsetting to receive a notice from the IRS. But the first step is to take a deep breath and calmly read the notice or letter. The notice or letter states the reason it was sent, its purpose, and instructions on how to respond. […]

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The Story of Torchlight Tax

Hi. This is Dave Horwedel. I am an Enrolled Agent, EA, the highest federal tax credential, and the founder of Torchlight and Guard Dog Tax. I would like to introduce you to my firm. I apprenticed at another EA/CPA firm before starting my own practice in 2015 in Las Vegas. I started my firm working […]

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How to Minimize Audit Risk!!!

Taxpayers are terrified of audits. This is understandable. They can be a lot of hassle. However, if your tax

attorney couple

Taxpayer Bill of Rights 4: Your Right to Challenge the IRS’s Position and Be Heard

You have a right to disagree with the IRS. Sometimes, the IRS makes mistakes, and you can take a different..

service level

Taxpayer Bill of Rights 2: The Right to Quality Service

Have you experienced the frustration and disappointment of encountering bad service when dealing with the IRS?

lady justice

Taxpayer Bill of Rights 10: Ensuring a Fair and Just Tax System

Taxpayers have a RIGHT to be treated fairly by the IRS. This can be useful in asking for managerial assistance, an appeal to..

attorney client

Taxpayer Bill of Rights 9: Your Right to Retain Representation

You have the right to choose an authorized representative of your choice to act on your behalf in your dealings with the IRS.


Taxpayer Bill of Rights 8: Your Right to Confidentiality

Taxpayers are sometimes worried that the IRS may use their confidential tax data improperly to their detriment.

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The Taxpayer Bill of Rights 7: Your Right to Privacy

You as a taxpayer have the Right to Privacy in dealing with the IRS. The article below, quoted directly…

bill of rights

Taxpayer Bill of Rights 1: The Right to Be Informed

It is good reading for all taxpayers. Knowing what the IRS must inform you of, and letting them know when…

IRS audit

IRS Audit Defense

Your worst fear has occurred. The IRS is auditing you. Whether it is…


Unconfrontable Tax Debt

This is a common situation. For whatever reason, your IRS…

upsetting letter

What If the IRS Is Threatening A Wage Or Bank Levy?

This requires a fast handling before your wage check shrinks…

IRS letter

What to Do if You get a Letter from the IRS

Yes, it can be upsetting to receive a notice from the IRS. But the….

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What Is IRS Representation?

Hi. I’m Bruce Roth and my guest today is Dave Horwedel….

Do You Want To Pay Less Tax?