Business Incorporation: Tax Breaks for Starting an S Corporation

Thinking of becoming a business owner?

Opening your own business is exciting and thrilling. It’s everything that comes after the excitement and thrill has worn off that dictate whether a small business will make it or not.

A plan of action is needed to fulfill your dream or goal of being your own boss and running a successful business. Success lies in the approach you choose to take. As one of the top Tax and Accounting Firms in Las Vegas, we help you avoid the common pitfalls that many new small business owners make when starting their new venture.

Our Tax Accountants in Las Vegas help you…

  • Prepare an initial business plan to clarify your marketing, management, and financial plans.
  • Select a business structure that best fits your needs by evaluating tax advantages, legal exposure, ease of operation and portability should you need to relocate.
  • Set up our business as the best entity for your success. Whether Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, S Corporation, or C Corporation, we can file the appropriate formation documents with the state and do the required elections with the IRS.
  • Set up and do your bookkeeping and accounting for you.
  • Setup a home office so you can maximize your tax deductions.
  • It is crucial for a business owner to fulfill requirements related to federal taxes to ensure compliance and avoid penalties.
  • Prepare and file your application for your Federal Employer Identification Number.
  • Provide payroll and payroll tax filing.
  • Develop a solid Partnership Agreement. This is an extremely important document for all.

Let us help you succeed by getting your new business off to a good strong start. Contact Torchlight Tax & Financial Solutions in Las Vegas and to see how we can help you succeed by getting your new business off to a good strong start.

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss business formation and incorporation services. Call us at 1-877-758-7797 or 702-463-1818 or email us at We can transfer your call to a branch office near you or help you directly from our central office. Free consultations are available.

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    Why Torchlight Tax

    Many people do not know how a professional tax and accounting firm differs from a bookkeeper or tax preparer. The main difference when working with a professional tax and accounting firm, such as Torchlight Tax, is that our firm utilizes the services of CPAs, EAs, and Attorneys who are distinguished from bookkeepers and other tax preparers by stringent qualification and licensing requirements. Our entire team has a purpose to legally save your tax dollars and to make taxes as painless as possible. This means we take your calls and respond to your concerns. If you receive a threatening IRS call or Notice or are worried about some tax question, we are here for year round taking your calls and responding to your emails.

    Upgrade to a full-service Tax Firm

    Whether you are filing personal, small business, or corporate taxes, or negotiating IRS tax debt, if you are not already using a professional Tax, Accounting, and IRS Representation firm, you most likely have missed out on major tax benefits. This is because a professional tax and accounting firm utilizes licensed professionals such as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), EAs and Attorneys, who can not only advise individuals on personal financial matters but who can also advise businesses and corporations of all sizes and types. Tax laws are complicated, and no one knows everything. Torchlight Tax is a team and any one of our tax pros can call on other EAs, CPAs, and Tax Attorneys in the team who may have specialist knowledge in a specific area of tax.


    When doing current taxes, we often come across missed tax savings from prior years. When this happens, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to amend your taxes and lower your tax liability. Whether you or your prior tax preparer missed a W-2 or 1099, a revised 1099. Large charitable donations, or made some other error, amending your tax return can help you recover the money you are rightfully owed. When we find this situation, we will advise you on potential savings and amend the previously filed tax return.

    Sometimes, there may be a situation where a tax return could be amended, but it is too late to receive any benefit, or maybe you made an error that was missed by the IRS that would have increased your tax liability. In some cases, it is prudent to file an amended return. But if it is not necessary and will not save you any money or decrease your risk, we will tell you not to bother. It is silly to amend a return to no advantage, which is too old for the IRS to audit. Some firms might file a bunch of unnecessary tax returns and charge a fee. Sometimes a taxpayer himself might increase his tax liability by filing an unnecessary amendment that increases his tax liability. We will not do this.

    Amending a tax return requires more professional acumen then doing it right in the first place. At Torchlight Tax, we do file the tax return correctly the first time, and we will happily amend your tax return, but only if it actually is to your benefit. If you think you might need to amend tax returns, contact Torchlight Tax for a free consultation.

    Do You Want To Pay Less Tax?