Best Business Structure for Taxes

Best Business Structure for Taxes

(This article is a transcription of a video that can be seen here.)

Hi, my name is Bruce Roth, and my guest today is Dave Horwedel. Dave is the founder of Torchlight Tax and Financial Services. He is also an enrolled agent and tax expert in Las Vegas, NV. What is the best business structure for taxes? What type of corporations and corporate entities there are? And why one might choose one over the over?

I want to mention that I’m talking about the tax implications of this, and I’m not practicing law. But, there are two actual types of corporations.

There is a C-Corporation which is the major corporation. The C-Corporation has stockholders and they make a lot of money. They usually have corporate meetings and boards of directors meetings. And it’s a big deal. They actually have to pay corporate income tax on the profits on the profits that the corporation makes.

And then as they pay their shareholders in dividends, the shareholders have to pay individual taxes on the dividends they receive. That’s the big corporations, called a C-Corporation.

The other type of corporation is called an S-Corporation. An S-Corporation is a small business corporation, it has limits on how much money it can make. It can’t have more than 100 shareholders. But the main thing about an S-Corporation is that the income it makes automatically flows through to its shareholders, so it never makes an income as a corporate entity. It all gets credited to the individuals who own it, so there’s no double taxation.

And this is a very, very common thing that a small businessman. A self-employed person, they can become an S-Corporation, and they can have tax benefits for them. And it also shields them legally.

Now, there is one other entity that’s not actually a corporation, but everybody thinks it is. It’s called a limited liability company, or LLC. Now, the funny thing about an LLC is that it can apply to internal revenue service to be treated tax wise as an S-Corporation, and in my cases this will give them a significant break as far as the self-employment tax, social security, Medicare. So, there’s actually only two types of corporation really, there’s the C, then I have the S. But there’s also the LLC, that kind of half rates as one, and it’s something that people should be aware of. And it can have definite tax implications for how you do it, and you could also do it to shield yourself from lawsuits and things like that.

Thank you so much. Thank you for watching.

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