Torchlight Tax is Hiring

Torchlight Tax is Hiring

By Dave Horwedel, EA

Torchlight Tax is expanding and we are hiring now and for the future tax season. The tax field has many good career opportunities, and is about as inflation proof and recession proof as you can get.

If you might be interested in career in the tax field, please contact us.

If you know someone who might be interested, please refer them to us. You’re welcome to forward this video to others. We have great training and career opportunities for tax professionals and support staff. This includes payroll tax professionals, income tax, preparers, secretarial, and social media marketing staff.

It also includes bookkeepers, accountants, EA, and CPAs. We currently have openings in our Clearwater, Florida office and in many of our Las Vegas offices. Remote positions are also available. Moreover, we may be able to set you up in a remote office in your own area. Franchise opportunities may be available to you.

Let’s go over these in more detail. For payroll tax preparers, we’re talking about someone who actually has experience in filing payroll taxes form 940 and 941. Experience simply in adding up hours in an office and turning them over to a payroll tax preparer, doesn’t really count.

For income tax preparers, we are interested in those who would like to become enrolled agents or CPAs or those who already are. The enrolled agent, by the way, is the highest federal tax credential. Currently we have administrative staff here in my office who are training to become enrolled agents at their career path while doing administrative work,  that also gives them experience in tax.

This is an excellent career path. We’re also hiring bookkeepers and accountants, and they too are welcome to become EA and CPAs. We also have a lot of work for anyone who wants to become a social media marketer and work in that field.

The employee retention credit is one of the hottest new things in the tax field. It is very much a demand, right now. If you’re already trained in the credit, we’d be glad to employ you. Also, if you do train in the employee retention credit, you’re also welcome to become an EA or a CPA because this credit will not last forever, and you’ll probably want to have a continued career.

Obviously, if you’re already an EA or CPA, we’d love to talk to you. Once again, you could work at one of our already established offices, open your own office or work remotely.

One last thing. The idea that the tax field is only seasonal is not true. If you want to work just during a tax season and take the rest of the year off, that’s fine.

However, in our firm, we definitely have year-round tax work, because in addition to tax preparation, we do file amended tax returns. We file extensions on tax returns and then do them six months later. We do a lot of IRS debt settlement. We do payroll taxes. We often set up a businesses as a corporation for clients for their further tax advantage.

We handle IRS notices, we do tax lien and audit defense. In all these areas, there is no April 15th deadline. So if you’d like to work around the year in your career, we have that work here for you. I’m looking to hire people who would like to have an excellent career.

You can send me an email at or call me at (877) 758-7797.

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